Posts Tagged ‘ trailer ’

here it is: the great gatsby trailer

the trailer for the great gatsby was released last night. i wanted to turn it off after 30 seconds. actually, i wanted to find baz luhrmann and give him a piece of my mind. what has he done? why did he do it? he took America’s greatest novel and turned it into a spectacle. when I think of the roaring twenties, surprisingly i don’t think of kanye and jay-z’s “church in the wild.” i think about jazz and flappers and stock markets crashing. where is that in the trailer? where the hell is the jazz?

i’ve read the book over 10 times. i’ve memorized the opening and final pages. fitzgerald’s writing speaks to me better than any other author i’ve ever read. the way he describes women and love and loss is the way i would want to if i was a great writer. the themes of this novel resonate with anyone who’s wanted a shot at the american dream. we want things we can’t have, but we spend our whole lives trying to find them or make them right. everyone has a “daisy” whether they’ll admit it or not.

i saw esquire’s tweet calling the film possibly the most stylish movie ever. that’s great, but where is the story? baz luhrmann’s biggest problem as a director is telling a story. moulin rouge was candy for your eyes, but not for your brain. storytelling used to be an important piece of film making. i’m not sure where it went. hey hollywood, sometimes bigger is not better. i was excited about this film and ready to give luhrmann another shot after sitting through australia, but i can’t watch this movie – especially not in 3-D as it’s intended to be viewed…”so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

on the road trailer

i’m embarrased to say that i have not read jack kerouac’s on the road.  i’ve started it 2 or 3 times, but put it down for various reasons.  it’s not because i wasn’t enjoying it; it’s more or less because i lose interest in books quickly.  it’s a habit i’ve been trying to break since i was in school.  after watching the trailer for the upcoming film, i think it’s finally time to finish the book.  i’m sure diehard kerouac fans are going to hate the film, but i think the trailer looks good.  i love that the filmmakers included the quote below.  i’m sure you’ve seen it before.

the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “awww!”

good trivia: in 1957, kerouac wrote a letter to marlon brando asking him to buy the rights to on the road and turn it into a movie with brando and kerouac as the leads.  brando never responded.